Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cooperative Learning Method

According Devidson and Worshain (1992), which meant that Cooperative Learning is a systematic teaching model by classifying students for the purpose of creating an effective learning approach that integrates the skills of students. Meanwhile, according to Johnson: Cooperative Learning is a teaching and learning in small groups, students learn and work together to come to an optimal learning experience, good experience of the individual and group experiences.
Furthermore, Johnson and Johnson (1996), emphasized that the cooperative learning (CL) as learning in small groups where students learn and work together to achieve optimal as possible. The essence lies in the individual responsibility as well as groups, so that within every student grow and develop attitudes behavior interdependence (interdependence) are positive. Thereby making learning through cooperation within the group will run optimally. This condition can encourage students to learn, work and responsibility in earnest until the goal can be realized.
Cooperative Learning with Learning will provide benefits to students in:
• Improve the ability to cooperate and socialize.
• Practicing self-awareness, through a variety of different attitudes for work behavior.
• Efforts to reduce anxiety and foster a sense of taste. confidence.
• Improve learning motivation (participation and interest), self-esteem and a positive attitude behavior.
• Improve academic achievement.
To implement cooperative learning many techniques that can be used, here only the Jigsaw technique that will be discussed, with several steps as follows:
1. Preparation Stage
a. Make some discourse that contains the message content according to topic in different ways, the number of members in each group. To facilitate each PTK can be created for a single discourse or more according to taste. Then double discourse of the group that will be created in one class.
b. Make the tasks that must be completed by students as a group after understand the information or content of the message in the discourse. The tasks in question must be completed by students by paying attention to the contents of the message in the discourse.
2. Implementation Phase
a. Co-operative phase
l) Students are divided into small groups consisting of 3-5 people.
2) Teachers share the discourse that contains information or message on the card.
3) The teacher assigns each group to share the responsibility to understand the information as set out in the discourse.
b. Experts Stage
1) Teachers assigned to students from each group was given the task to understand the discourse and create a new group.
2) In these new groups of students are invited to learn together to become a team of experts in the fields of information about a discourse that was his job.
3) The teacher directs the students to plan how to communicate information to members of the group kooperatifnya. If this activity has been completed, the teacher ordered the students back to the original group / cooperative group.
c. Stage Four / Eight Stage series
At this stage, after students return to kooperatifnya groups, but the name was changed to a group of four or eight series in which every member has become expert in the field of information. Characteristics of this stage are:
1) One by one teacher assigned to each student in each group to inform the content of messages have been understood from the discourse to other group members.
2) Once completed the teacher instructed each group to complete tasks that had been prepared at once to report the results.
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